DAY-2-Wendnesday, June 25th, 2014
Morning 9.00 – 12.50 am
Session Chair: Mr.Chris Justice (University of Maryland College Park, USA)
- 9.00 am
NASA LCLUC program; LC/LUC and Atmospheric interactions

- 9.25 am
Development of Earth Observation in Vietnam (from Landsat to VnRedSat-1)

- 9.50 am
REDD++ and Remote Sensing inputs

- 10.15 am
Updates on GOSAT and its successor, GOSAT-2

- 10.35 am
Near Real Time Detection of Burn Scar Area using Landsat-8 imageries

- 10.55-11.30 am
Tea Break
- 11.30 am
Global land cover mapping GLCNMO and data sharing system CEReS Gaia

- 11.50 am
Satellite data applications in Myanmar

- 12.10 am
Rice and Mangrove monitoring in Mekong Delta, Vietnam using Remote Sensing data

- 12.30 am
Characterization of air quality in global mega-cities by OMI and MODIS measurements

- 12.50-1.45 pm
Afternoon 1.45 – 6.00 pm
Session Chair: Krishna Vadrevu (University of Maryland College Park, USA)
- 1.45 pm
Satellite derived Fire products for Biomass burning studies

- 2.10 pm
Biomass burning in Thailand

- 2.30 pm
Emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds from open crop residue burning in Yangtze River Delta region, China

- 2.50 pm
Forest fire Monitoring Project in Vietnam

- 3.10 pm
Multi-Temporal Wildfire Monitoring using MODIS data in Laos

- 3.30-4.00 pm
Tea Break
- 4.00 pm
Indonesia Peatland fire detection with nighttime Landsat- Preliminary results

- 4.20 pm
Recent active forest fires on Peatland in Indonesia

- 4.40 pm
Indoor Air Pollution due to Yak Dung Combustion in Nam Co, Tibet – New Band PM2.5 emissions estimates in Tibet Domestic Sector

- 5.00 pm
Satellite remote sensing of Biomass burning pollution in Asia

- 5.20 pm
Biomass burning from peatland fire in Riau, Indonesia

- 5.40 pm
Using satellite imagery and GIS for mapping forest fire risk zones and in Hotspots Analysis in the Northwestern region, Vietnam

- 6.00 pm Adjourn