VJSE 2015 Conference was held at Kyoto University on 31st October, 2015 in Kyoto, Japan. FIMO contributed to VJSE 2015 a paper titled “Field Informatics Research in Vietnam”.
Japan and Vietnam have established a strategic relationship with broadened exchange and strong cooperation including Education, Science and Technology, Economic, and Culture. The number of Vietnamese students, researchers and engineers, studying and working in Japan, increases dramatically. These human resources have become one of the most important factors contributing to the development of Vietnam and Japan.
In order to facilitate interaction between Vietnamese and Japanese students, academics and experts in various fields, the Vietnamese Youth and Students Associations in several areas of Japan have organized Vietnamese – Japanese Students’ Scientific Exchange Meeting (VJSE) alternately since 2004. After being successfully organized in Osaka 2004 and 2005, Kobe 2006, Kyoto 2008, Tokyo 2009, Osaka 2013, and Kobe 2014, VJSE manifest itself as one of the biggest academic and cultural exchange events for Vietnamese and Japanese students and scholars. The meeting has thus attracted a remarkable attention of Vietnamese governments such as the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Embassy of Vietnam in Japan, and Consulate General of Vietnam in Osaka. Importantly, VJSE has received full support from many high prestigious universities and institutes, prominent professors and researchers in both Japan and Vietnam.
After one decade of development, VJSE is now an annual forum for scholars, professionals, and students to share knowledge, achievements as well as to widen network and friendships, leading to enjoyable discussion and communication in different fields. With this mission, VJSE has contributed to strengthen the strategic relationship, and deepen mutual understanding between Japan and Vietnam.
VJSE 2015 in Kyoto, remarked the 8th meeting, established a new benchmark in the second period of the development. In continuing the success of preceding meetings, VJSE 2015 with the topic of “Bilateral Cooperation: Strategies for Sustainable Development” was not only providing a forum to enhance collaboration between two countries in natural and social science researches, technology, and economy, but also bringing an excellent chance for intellectual and cultural exchange. VJSE 2015 is focusing on enhancing the quality of the scientific reports by a reviewing and editing process with attention paid to content, organization, and style. VJSE 2015 included inspiring keynote talks by top professors in their fields from both Vietnam and Japan, provided experiences in determination of potentials and methods to realize such potentials.
From Vietnam, Dr. Nguyen Quan, Minister of Minitry of Science and Technology, sent a greeting letter to VJSE 2015. Dr. Chu Ngoc Anh, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Science and Technology, attended VJSE 2015, gave his opening speech and concluding remark. VJSE 2015 also had the presences of Vice President of Kyoto University, Vice President of Kyoto Institute of Technology, Consul General of Consulate General of Vietnam in Osaka.
The following pictures are some snapshots of VJSE 2015