DAY-3-Thursday, June 26th, 2014
Morning 9.00 – 12.00 am
Session Chair: Brent Holben (NASA Goddard, USA)
- 9.00 am

- 9.30 am
Remote sensing for aerosol research

- 10.00 am
Continuous observation of aerosols in East Asia using a ground-based Lidar network (AD-NET)

- 10.20 – 11.00 am
Tea Break
- 11.00 am
Transboundary and Long range Transport of Air pollution: an important Air Quality issue in South Asia

- 11.20 am
MonitoringUrban Heat Island in Vietnam and its relation to air quality with remote sensing

- 11.40 am
Ground observation of particulate matter in East China Sea Area

- 12.00 – 1.15 pm
Afternoon 1.30 – 6.00 pm
Session Chair: Mr. Tatsuya Hanaoka (NIES, Japan)
- 1.15 pm
Server-side maps processing for the Air Quality with the WCPS Standard

- 1.45 pm
National SDI: Problems and challenges
Mr. Dang Hung Vo (VNU, Vietnam)
- 2.15 pm
Simulation of atmostpheric air pollutants over Japan and its application to health impacts under MEXT/RECCA/SALSA project in Japan

- 2.35 pm
Surface ozone simulation over Japan using a new atmostpheric chemical-transport model (NICAM-CHASER)

- 2.55 pm
Inferring CO2 and Particulate Matter Source Regions Using a Lagrangian Transport Model

- 3.15 – 3.45 pm
Tea Break
- 3.45 pm
Integrated Spatial Database System for Air Pollution and Forest Fire Monitoring

- 4.05 pm
Co-benefits of reducing air-pollutants in ASEAN by 2050 while achieving 2oC global temperature limit target

- 4.25 pm
Simplified emission inversion for NOx and SO2 with constraint of satellite observations

- 4.45 pm
South East Asia Regional Information Network (SEARRIN) discussion

- 5.45 pm
Concluding Remarks from the Host – VNU

- 6.00 pm Meeting adjourn